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One of the main business goals of any online business is to attract consumers to their e-commerce site. This is a crucial step to get people to buy their products or services.

If you’re experiencing difficulties in getting people to visit your online store, then we’re here to teach you how to drive traffic on your website. A quick tip: It involves catching social media traffic.

What Is Social Media Traffic?

Social media traffic simply refers to the flow of your website visitors coming from various social media platforms. To generate traffic, a brand’s social media goal is to establish an online presence and gather a large number of followers on all social sites.

Each networking platform has different user demographics, preferred types of content, and acceptable posting frequency. Therefore, it is essential to develop marketing strategies tailored to each platform.

A streamlined lead generation strategy will effectively funnel audiences from all your social networks down to your business website.

Types of SM Traffic

use social media

It is important to know the various types of traffic flowing to your website. With this information, you can see which source of traffic brings you the most consumers and which sources you may want to focus on more.

  1. Organic Traffic –  This type of traffic comes from your organic posts on the social feed. There is no need to spend money on this type of source because most social platforms are free to use. It is assumed that organic traffic is the best kind as it implies that you have gained consumer attention and trust naturally.
    One good aspect of organic traffic is that your posts have a chance to be seen by a lot of active users on the platform. However, there is no guarantee that the majority of them will be interested in your brand.
  2. Paid Traffic – This is traffic generated from your advertising campaigns. The advantage of using adverts is that you get to target and reach your preferred buyer personas. Though this type of traffic costs you money, it ensures that your paid posts are displayed to highly probable customers. Budding business owners usually rely on paid traffic at the start of their journey as they grow their followers and customer base.
  3. Direct Traffic – This refers to your website visitors who clicked your link via private social messages in Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, for example. These redirects are not monitored by social media analytics and are considered direct traffic. One could consider this as the online equivalent of your brand presence being spread by word of mouth. This is a great source of loyal clients because you have already gained their trust simply by being referred by someone they trust, like a family member or a friend.

How to Use Social Media to Drive Traffic to Your Website?

social media traffic

Gone are the days when you have to physically hail passersby to entice them to purchase from your store. The practice now is to use social media to lure potential customers online to your e-commerce site.

So, in this part, we will teach you how to increase website traffic and raise your conversion rates. The key is to focus on creating a great customer experience. Remember that you are doing these things to convince consumers to support your brand.

Use More Visual Content

A large percentage of people have an innately visual nature. Adobe’s research revealed that visual content in social media posts reached engagement rates of 650% more than posts containing text only. This goes to show that using high-quality content images in your marketing pays off greatly. Even if you have to spend on the production of your image source, the traffic it will generate is well worth it.

Don’t Spam

We all know it’s not easy to create unique content. That’s why marketers tend to reshare the same content periodically for the sake of maintaining an online presence. However, there comes a point when users might get annoyed seeing the same social media posts over and over again. No brand would want to be labeled and hated as a spammer.

To prevent this scenario, a good practice is to know the best times to share on each platform. This way, your posts will attain maximum exposure without needing to be posted repeatedly.

Another technique is to change up the caption every time you reuse the same content. You could add variety by focusing on different aspects of the post. For example, in one caption, you can pull an important quote from the article. In the next post’s caption, you can mention an interesting fact. Then, in another, you can pose a question that will pique the audience’s interest.

You can easily get away with resharing the same content with these simple enough tricks.

Make Your Content Easy to Share

In 2022, US citizens spent an average of 3 hours and 19 minutes on their smartphones each day. Grab a spot in that large chunk of online browsing time by optimizing your posts for mobile. Closely follow mobile post guidelines to ensure your content will appear correctly on the mobile news feed.

Create easily readable content to tailor it to small screens. And don’t forget to make it Public. A public post can easily be spread with the tap of the Share button. This encourages people to directly share your content with others and even on their personal profile page if they like it.

Don’t Ignore SEO

You’ve probably heard of this method before, and it still deserves to be reiterated. Always use relevant keywords and popular hashtags in your captions and descriptions. This enables users to search for your brand and content on different platforms easily.

Optimize Your SM Profiles

Optimizing your social media profiles entails using SEO. Include it in your Bio, Description, and in any part of your profile that has text. Also, don’t forget to put down the URL to your business page. This is important to easily drive people from your social profile to your e-commerce web page with just a click.

Write Unbeatable Headlines

If you choose the social media ads route, you should always have a strong title to catch people’s attention. Also, advertising campaigns with memorable taglines are often remembered even years after. If you succeed in this, your brand will always be revisited by audiences.

Evergreen Topics Are Key

To make your post enticing to viewers, you have to create relevant content for them. Evergreen topics are the best choice for this type of content. These are always interesting and helpful to your followers. These can also be easily reshared at any time.

Track Your Results and Make Conclusions

To check if your strategies are working, you can utilize Google Analytics. This powerful tool can show you the changes in your follower count, customer engagement, and click-through rates. If you notice an increase in these stats, then you are on the right track.Follow these tips to improve your social media presence and drive more traffic to your online business. You can apply these techniques when you use Twitter to promote your brand. Start there because it is considered one of the best platforms for driving traffic and generating leads.

Maddie Schultz
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