How to Advertise on Twitter

Twitter is undoubtedly a social media giant with over 330 million active monthly users. But is this the platform you want to use to advertise your business? In today’s article, we’ll talk about Twitter advertising and how you can best reach the Twitter audience. If you’re a beginner on this platform or have never created a campaign, you’ll learn all about the different ad types, when, and how to use them.

Our comprehensive guide will take you through each step of setting a campaign, starting with creating an ad account to launching the ad. We also added essential ad practices that will increase the visibility of your campaigns and help you reach your goal. 

Why Do Twitter Ads Deserve Your Attention?

Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms for active conversations. If there’s anything you want to know about or a topic you want to develop, there are very likely many active accounts that want to join the conversation. Thanks to the power of Twitter and its enormous active user base, you can advertise individual Tweets or a group of Tweets to present them to targeted users. 

Creating excellent content and having great visuals isn’t always enough on social media. Most successful accounts use ads to promote their businesses, boost their reach, grow their following, score more website visits, and sell more products. Twitter advertising is one of the most brilliant things you can opt for because there’s no initial budget, you’re the one who decides how much to invest, plus there are so many features that let you target the right audience to the tiniest detail. These ads are highly effective and will open a whole new world for you. 

What kind of ad formats does Twitter have?

  • Promoted Tweets

A promoted Tweet looks exactly like a regular Tweet with the only difference that it clearly says it’s an ad. Behind these Tweets, there is a person or a brand that paid for it to be promoted to people who aren’t following the Twitter profile. The Tweets will appear at various places and can be shared, liked, and you can leave comments. 

You can easily recognize promoted Tweets because you’ll see the word Promoted in the upper left corner of the Tweet, picture, or video, which is something you can’t see on regular Tweets.

  • Promoted Trends

As we mentioned before, Twitter is a spot where trends appear first and a great platform for starting new conversations. The Trends For You section is where Twitter users see the most popular, buzzing topics. If you opt for this type of ad, your brand will appear in the trending section, but it will be labeled as Promoted. Users will also see it on their timelines. 

  • Promoted Accounts

What’s the difference between promoted Tweets and accounts? The name says it all; with this type of ads, you promote entire accounts to users you want to target. The ads will appear to people who are very likely to engage with your account in any way and are a part of the audience you want to reach. 

Promoted accounts appear in Twitter’s section titled as Who To Follow. When users see this ad, they will consider following you, making it an excellent tactic to grow your followers. These accounts will have both a Promoted label and a Follow button. 

How to Advertise on Twitter: The Basics of Running Effective Ads

1. Create a Twitter Ads Account

Before you create your first Twitter ad campaign, you need to create an ads account. First, log in to your Twitter account with your email address and password, then go to the platform’s ad page. Next, enter your country, time zone, and your ad account is ready. Having an ads account brings numerous benefits, including installing a Twitter tracking pixel helper for your events and improved conversion tracking. 

2. Choose a Campaign Objective 

During this step, you need to choose an objective or goal you want to achieve with the campaign. For example, do you want to reach more people or score more app installs? Twitter offers you to choose from a variety of objectives including video views, reach, website clicks, pre-roll views, followers, engagements, app re-engagement, and more. These objectives are divided into three groups: awareness, consideration, and conversion. 

For example, if you want more people to talk about your brand, engage with your Tweets, and score a higher engagement rate, your campaign goal should be a part of the Consideration section. First, choose Twitter Engagement, then set your budget. 

3. Campaign Details

Once the goal is set, you can add your campaign budget. Twitter lets you choose your budget, and you can input a total and daily budget. 

Before you continue to the following step, you need to set a time frame for the campaign. How long do you want it to last, when do you want it to start, and when do you want it to end? You can also add a campaign name if you have one in mind. 

4. Ad Groups

Twitter is an excellent spot for online advertising because it lets you create different ad groups within a campaign. In this section, you can create various groups based on the people you want to target, budget, and see which group works best for your audience. This is a great feature to use when you want to figure out your place on the market.

If this is your first campaign, you should stick to a single group. But once you get the hang of it, you can start dividing your budget and audience into different groups. This can serve as an excellent test when you want to target new groups and try different campaign types. 

In this part, you also have an Autobid option that will let Twitter decide how to use your money. In other words, the platform will use the budget to achieve the best results. 

5. Target Audience

The next step of your Twitter advertising campaign is setting a target audience. The platform has over 206 million daily active users, meaning that you have to be very specific to find the right audience and target them with your ads. When you choose the right people, you know that the budget you paid for the campaign is appropriately used. Targeting a broad audience isn’t a great idea; you need to be as specific as possible and do in-depth market research. 

One of the best things about creating an advertising campaign on Twitter is the extensive number of targeting features that Twitter offers. The first targeting option to work on is demographics. It will help you reach the right people using gender, location, age, etc. 

Next, you can target people based on the device they use. For example, you can either decide to focus on mobile phone users because that’s related to your business somehow. Finally, you can also use the Audience feature that targets people based on their interests (conversation topics, movies, events, etc.). Other features include using keywords, creating your list of people, finding an audience based on your current followers, and more. If you’ve already created custom audiences, the platform allows you to use them again. 

6. Ad Placement

Twitter is one of the top advertising platforms because it lets you customize your campaigns to the tiniest detail. After choosing the target audience, you need to pick the ad placement. Where do you want the ad to appear?

Before you finally release the ad, you should choose Creatives for it. Creatives are actually the promoted Tweets, and you can pick old ones or create new content. When you get to this part, the platform will show you a list of your previous Tweets, and you can check the ones that fit your campaign. 

7. Start Campaign

When all of this is done, it’s time to launch the campaign! Pat yourself on the back for the excellent work, and wait for the results. 

8. Track Success

One of the best ways to learn online is from previous experiences. The goal of your campaign might be to increase the conversion rate, but there’s an even more important goal you should know about. After you launch the campaign, it’s essential that you follow its success. Open Twitter Analytics and see whether your campaign reached its objective. You can learn a lot from the groups you created and use that knowledge for future ads. 

How to Set Up a Successful Twitter Advertising Campaign

What are the secrets of a successful ad? Aside from following the steps to create it, picking the right audience, and experimenting with ad groups, what else can you do? Below, we share a few basic practices that can boost the visibility of your campaigns and ensure they reach their goal. 

Create Organic Content

You should stick to organic Tweets that best represent your brand. You should create a picture for your business that people will easily recognize. Your voice should be the same, even when you promote your products. People will notice if your campaigns aren’t authentic.

The writing should be original, short, punchy, easy to read, and grammatically correct. Before you post a campaign, ensure that there aren’t any errors and that everyone can understand what your ad wants to promote. 

Add CTAs

A call to action is always a great idea. Since the purpose of your campaigns is to grow your business, it’s great that you remind your audience they need to take action. You’ll be surprised to hear how many people take action when they’re reminded to. 

Use Great Images

Visuals are great for campaigns. People love when they see a high-quality image as a part of an ad, so why not give them a try? Including images can make your campaigns more eye-catching, and users will notice them much faster. Not everyone likes reading, but everyone loves looking at high-quality images. 

An even better alternative is adding videos. Yes, they’re time-consuming to make and can cost extra money, but they can open your path to a much broader audience. The most important part of the job is to present high-quality work. The videos you’ll add should be witty, engaging, and feature your brand’s voice. 

Use Hashtags

Hashtags are an excellent way to optimize your content. They’re also a helpful tool to make your ads even better and more visible. The thing about hashtags is that you need to use them very carefully and not to use too many. 

Add Percentages

If your online campaign is about a sale that your brand is hosting, don’t hesitate to add percentages. According to research, people are more likely to click on an ad if it shows percentages. 

Numbers are also a great way to attract attention. Overall, you need to ensure that the campaign is visually pleasing and that it contains elements such as numbers and symbols that spark curiosity among users. 

Test Often

You don’t want to be stuck with the same ad type over and over again. Your followers can get easily bored, and you should always search for new ways to promote your brand. One of the simplest ways to find the most successful strategy is by testing. Try to set different goals for each campaign, target slightly different audiences, create different ad groups, etc. You can also try out different ad types and see which ones work best for your business. 


Why is Twitter advertising such a popular topic? Over 67% of B2B marketers love turning to this platform when promoting their businesses. That’s not only because Twitter is so straightforward to use but also because of the connection they can establish with their persisting and potential customers. 

If you want to grow your brand, Twitter is a great place to start. In this article, we covered the different types of ads you can use and how to create a campaign. Remember to go for short, easy-to-read ads enriched with numbers, symbols, high-quality images, videos, hashtags, and CTAs. Always test and experiment to see what your audience likes the most.

Maddie Schultz
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