twitter followers list

There are numerous benefits of having a loyal fanbase on Twitter. However, while rewarding, building a loyal fanbase is no small feat. You need to take several steps to ensure you are utilizing Twitter to its maximum potential. So, how do you create a loyal fanbase on Twitter? 

This article will explain why you need a strong fanbase and how to build a fanbase on social media. 

Why Build a Loyal Fanbase on Twitter?

social media fan base growth

Just like any other social media platform, building a loyal fanbase on Twitter is essential to your brand growth. This is because it attracts both professional and everyday users. 

Some benefits of having a loyal fanbase include organic reach, credibility, and authority. With this loyal fanbase, you have a steady flow of people who patronize your brand from time to time. 

Furthermore, it may open you up to endorsement deals from organizations that deem your account legitimate enough to work with. 

Also, Twitter users are more likely to interact or even follow your account if you have a large following with organic interactions. In addition, the odds of them finding your content are high because Twitter typically pushes content with higher engagements or content made from accounts with high follower counts.

Essentially, in order to gain more followers, you need to have a loyal fanbase. Hence, learning how to increase Twitter followers is crucial to the organic growth of your account.

Ways to Build Your Loyal Fanbase

how to build a fanbase on social media

If you are looking to learn how to increase fan base on social media, specifically Twitter, here are some tips you can use.

Research Your Niche

Most people know social media channels are some of the best places to promote your business. However, it is not as simple as making random social media posts. 

You need to bring value to your current and potential followers, and how do you do this? You do this by researching your niche.

The hard truth is, without proper research and knowledge, the odds of becoming relevant on Twitter are slim to none because the competition on the platform is stiff. So, take out time to learn about the niche you want to lean into. 

Users are looking to find accounts that prioritize quality over quantity, which can only be provided when you do your research.

When selecting a niche, it is important to note that some fields are more saturated than others. Therefore, you need to consider going for a less popular niche or finding a way to stand out with a more popular niche. 

Deliver Helpful Content

It’s one thing to post content, and it’s another to post content users find helpful. When considering content, think about using Twitters polls, relevant blog posts, and customer testimonies. Also, be sure to share news and events relevant to your industry. 

This all ties in with the previous point on sharing content that has value as opposed to lengthy content filled with fluff. 

You need to display versatility by posting a variety of content that will appeal to your target audience. 

To create a better impression, you can pin your tweet with the most interaction at the top of your Twitter profile. This way, when users visit your page, this is the first tweet they see.

Learn When to Post

Timing is everything. Hence, you need to learn about the best time to post your content. If you have a hard time deciding the best time to post, you can gain insights from data-driven platforms and schedule your tweets to post during this period.

That said, the best time to post is usually between 12 pm and 3 pm on weekdays. However, this timing varies based on factors.

In addition, it is important not to overwhelm your followers with numerous tweets at once. So, try to limit your tweets to one every hour or two.

Be Authentic

Anyone can open a Twitter account and start posting tweets. What makes you stand out? How can you set yourself apart? The answer is authenticity.

You need to post content that is not only fun and relatable but matters to you. Do not post content because you think your followers will like it. This is because, ultimately, they will notice a valuable piece of your activity. 

So, when creating a social media strategy, focus on constructing tweets that relate to your industry, expertise, and passion. This way, you will attract the right followers for your brand.

Use your creativity to your advantage. Find ways to create engaging and fun tweets that showcase your personality. Remember that there are numerous people in your niche, and one significant way to stand out is to give your brand a personality your followers can relate to.

By sticking to your authentic personality, you can attract users with similar personalities and interests.

Run Contests 

Contests and giveaways are exciting. However, running them on social platforms requires discernment. You need to figure out the optimal time to run a contest because this could lead to a high influx of new followers.

Keep in mind that one of the best ways to build your fanbase is to focus on your present fans; give them a reason to stick around. You can use giveaways as a method of giving back to your fans who have been with you for a while. 

Doing this is essentially killing two birds with one stone because you are keeping your present followers happy and increasing your Twitter followers list.

Use More Visual Content

Tweets with visual content typically receive more likes and retweets. By adding relevant, high-quality visual content, you can increase your engagement exponentially. 

Therefore, you should always find a way to include imagery in your tweets. That said, there is nothing wrong with simply posting tweets containing texts, but a tweet with media is more likely to make users stop scrolling and engage.

Some ideas you can use include:

  • Images that have been constructed using Adobe Spark, Canva, and other editing tools. 
  • Videos such as greetings or how-tos.
  • GIFs and Memes (when necessary).

Whether you are looking for laughs or to disseminate information, visual content makes the task easier and usually attracts fans or followers. 

Note that if you are using images, it is best to stay away from stock photos and pay attention to copyright problems. 

Lastly, if you want to attach media to an external link, ensure it is not a random screenshot but content that elevates your post and convinces the user to click on it.

Utilize Twitter Hashtags

Hashtags play a vital role on Twitter, which is why you need to use them often. You should consider using at least two hashtags per tweet. This is because hashtags help users find tweets when they are going through searches.

Ensure to use relevant hashtags. Take a look at what the current trend is and what others in your niche are doing. You can even consider creating a whole new hashtag. You might end up starting a trend and reaching a wider audience.

Just like images, tweets with hashtags usually receive more interactions because they are more searchable.

That said, you need to be careful when using hashtags. Do not go overboard because your post could be tagged as spam, so you need to stick to three hashtags per tweet at most.

Furthermore, as time passes, you can use Twitter analytics to learn about the best-performing tags and use them to your advantage.

Stay Consistent

Consistency is key to ensuring you build a loyal fanbase. You must constantly have an online presence so your followers do not forget you. 

With the number of accounts, brands, and tweets on Twitter, it is easy for your followers to forget about you and your content. Thus, you need to ensure to post regularly. 

However, as mentioned earlier, being too active can overwhelm your follower and ultimately defeat the purpose of being active. So, you need to find a balance.


A loyal fanbase on Twitter has numerous benefits, from credibility to exposure. That said, building a loyal fanbase does not happen overnight. It is a gradual process that requires specific actions, such as posting relevant content and posting it at the right time. Using this article, you have all the tips and tricks you need to work on your social media fan base growth and stay ahead of the competition.

Maddie Schultz
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