How to Take a Break from Social Media

Social media is a fun place where you get to see what’s happening with people around the world, make new friends, promote your business, and have a laugh. 

However, these apps can become overwhelming for some people. So, do you need to learn how to take a break from social media?

This article will cover some signs that tell you it is time to take a break from social media and what social media detox is. Furthermore, it will discuss how social media affects mental health and how you can distract yourself when you get off it.

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Important Signs You Need to Take a Break from Social Media

Sometimes, you might not realize that you need to take a break from social media, and that’s fine because you are not the only one. 

If you are struggling with determining if it is time to unplug from all your social media platforms, here are a few signs that might help.

Feeling Overwhelmed

Do you feel the need to check your social media accounts constantly? If so, you might need to step back from social media for a while. 

Constantly being online and feeling like you have to connect with everyone all the time can be overwhelming and lead to anxiety, stress, or other mental health issues.

Neglecting Other Important Obligations

It is easy to get distracted by social media, and you might find yourself scrolling through feeds to find new posts. However, if you spend hours doing this, you should consider taking a social media break. 

There are 24 hours in one day, and if you use most of them on social media, you will not have time for other essential things. So, if you find that social media is stopping you from being productive in your everyday life, it might be time to give it up.

Losing Real-Life Connections

It is understandable to want to connect with friends and family who do not live around you, but that does not mean you should neglect real-life connections. 

Connecting with people around you is just as important as connecting with those online. Finding it hard to balance the two might mean it’s time to change your social media habits. 

Feeling the Need to Post Constantly

When you are doing something fun, you always feel the need to post about it. You cannot turn off your phone without posting a video or picture telling the world you are having fun. 

After posting this media, you then check constantly to see how many likes and comments you receive. 

If this sounds like you, you might have a social media addiction, and a break is much needed.

You Do Not Feel Good Enough

One of the most significant issues with social media is that you go online and see others post things about their “perfect” lives. They could be posting pictures with friends or about their achievements. 

From your end, it looks like everything is going well for them, which might make you compare yourself to them or even get jealous. 

However, social media allows people to post what they want you to see, and it is important to remember that what you see not always is the reality. 

Regardless, if you compare your life to others and feel like you are not good enough, you should take some time off social media.

What Is a Social Media Detox?

A social media detox is exactly as it sounds. It simply means you are taking a break from social media. What this break looks like is entirely up to you. 

You can decide how long you want to stay off and what platforms you want to abstain from. Additionally, you can choose to make an official announcement or just take that break. 

Most people prefer announcing the break because it lets others know about it and keeps them accountable.

Your definition of this break could be deleting one social media app. It could also mean blocking or unfollowing accounts that do not make you feel good. Sometimes, this means staying off for weeks or even months. 

Alternatively, you could limit social media usage to a specific period for a day. For example, set out 1 hour daily for social media time and then log off.

Ultimately, this detox aims to give you a better perspective of reality and ensure that your health is in a good place, both mentally and socially.

How Does Social Media Affect Mental Health?

According to various studies, social media might not have the best effect on your mental health. 

For example, a study done in the U.K. showed that children who spent over 3 hours on social media on school days had higher chances of reporting poor mental health.

It doesn’t end there. Other studies have shown that social media has negatively impacted the mental health of numerous users. Social media platforms have increased depression and loneliness, and negatively impacted the happiness and self-image of various users.

Indeed, social media has become a medium to stay connected and maintain relationships. In fact, maintaining these relationships has proven to improve mental health. However, spending a significant amount of time on social media has been shown to worsen mental health.

Furthermore, a 2021 study involving 68 university students reported that numerous students noted that they had reduced anxiety, better sleep patterns, and a better mood after taking a break from social media.

At the end of the day, it might be best to change how you use social media if you want your mental health to be optimal.

Ways to Distract Yourself from Social Media Platforms

If you have decided to step away from social media platforms, there are things you can do to distract yourself. Here are some of those activities:

  • Listening to music
  • Reading a book
  • Baking
  • Yoga
  • Hanging out with friends
  • Calling loved ones
  • Joining a social group, such as an NGO or a club
  • Take lessons and learn a skill
  • Visit a museum

These are just a few things you can do to distract yourself. You do not need to limit yourself to these activities on this list. 

There are numerous activities you can try out to keep you busy. All you have to do is think about the things you enjoy and how you can spend more time doing them.


Social media is an important medium with many benefits. Sadly, too much of it can have some adverse side effects. Hence, it is crucial to know when to take a break and decide what you want that break to look like. Now, you know how to quit social media using this article.
