How to Make Your Video Viral on Twitter?

As we all know, Twitter is a mighty giant in the world of popular social networking platforms. And, like other social media sites, Twitter is a magnificent place to share your videos. 

But what if you want to make your video go viral on Twitter?

This blog post will discuss tips and tricks for a viral Twitter video. We will also cover some ways to increase your videos’ reach and your Twitter followers. Let’s begin!

And when you’re done check out our other helpful Twitter guides:

What is a viral video?

Before we dive into the smart ways of blowing up on Twitter, let’s define what makes a viral Twitter video. A “viral” video is one that has been shared or viewed by numerous people. This can happen organically, through word-of-mouth, or as the result of a well-executed marketing campaign. Most users don’t go out of their way to seek out viral videos, but they will watch them if they’re interesting, funny, or otherwise compelling. As a result, it’s important to ensure that your videos are high quality and offer something unique to appeal to viewers. 

Ways to make your video viral on Twitter

There is no surefire way to guarantee that your video will go viral. However, there are certain things that you can do to increase the chances that your video will be shared more.

1. Offer something unique that viewers will find interesting or useful:

Valuable content is the key to any good marketing campaign, but it’s especially important when trying to make your video go viral. This means that your video should offer something unique that viewers will find interesting or useful. If your video is just a rehashing of information that can be found elsewhere, it’s unlikely to gain much traction. But if your video provides new information or a new perspective on a topic, viewers will be more likely to share it.

2. Share a visually appealing video:

People are visual creatures and are more likely to watch and share a visually appealing video. This means that your video should be well-produced and have high-quality visuals. If your video is dark or blurry, it’ll be a waste of time and not make a good impression on viewers. Likewise, if the audio is poor, viewers are likely to click away before they finish watching. So, ensure your video is high quality from start to finish.

3. Make your point in a minute or less:

No one wants to watch a long, drawn-out video. If you can make your point in a minute or less, that’s ideal. Remember, people are busy, and they have short attention spans. So, don’t try to cram too much information into your video. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point.

4. Use trending or popular hashtags related to your video:

This works like magic. Use trending or popular hashtags related to your video content, and BOOM! You start appearing on the timeline of users. This massively increases the chance of users viewing, sharing, or retweeting your video. Jumping on a trending hashtag is pretty much straightforward. Just open Twitter and hit the search icon to see “Trends for you.”

5. Include a call-to-action in your tweet asking people to retweet:

If you want people to share your video, you need to ask them to do so. Include a call-to-action in your tweet asking people to retweet your video. It may seem desperate, but in reality, it’s just good social media etiquette. After all, if you don’t ask, you can never get help. And who knows? Maybe your video will be the next big thing. So go ahead and ask for those retweets. You want to be as specific as possible. For example, “Please RT this video of my cat!” is more likely to get retweeted than “Please RT this video!”

6. People love free stuff, so host a giveaway:

It’s hard to resist a good giveaway. People love free stuff, so hosting a giveaway is a great way to get more people to watch your video. In the giveaway, you can include a link to your video and ask people to watch it to enter the contest. This is an easy way to increase the reach of your video and get more people interested in what you offer. Be sure to make the giveaway rules clear so that everyone knows what they need to do to enter.

7. Do a collaboration:

Working with other people is a great way to get more eyes on your video. When you collaborate with someone, their followers will also be exposed to your content. This is a great way to reach a new audience and get more people interested in what you have to say. Choose someone who is relevant to your topic and who has a similar audience to you. This way, you can be sure that the collaboration will benefit both of you.

How many views make a video viral?

There is no set number of views that make a video viral. It depends on the video and the audience that it reaches. A video can go viral with just a few hundred thousand views, or it can take millions of views for a video to become truly viral. Usually, this will be accompanied by thousands of likes, retweets, and comments. If your video generates this kind of engagement, then it is said to have gone viral.

Easy tips on how to make a video go viral on Twitter

Here are some easy tips that you can follow to make your video go viral on Twitter:

  • Timing is everything: When you release your video is just as important as the content itself. You must ensure that you post your video when people are most likely to be on Twitter and engaging with content.
  • Think outside the tweet: You need to think beyond just tweeting a link to your video. Try to devise creative ways to get people to notice your video.
  • Humor won’t hurt: Please love to watch and share videos that make them laugh. So if you can infuse some humor into your video, it will definitely help increase the chances of it going viral.
  • Be topical: If you can create a video relevant to what is happening in the world, or even just in pop culture, you are more likely to get your target audience to watch and share it.


There you have it – viral Twitter video 2022 tips! These are just a few of the many ways that you can use to make your video go viral on Twitter. By following these tips, you can increase the reach of your video and get more people interested in what you have to convey. So get out there and start sharing your content with the world!
