How to Repost a TikTok Video on Twitter

Video tweets are very effective on the Twitter platform. TikTok video content represents very popular videos with Twitter users.

People are visually stimulated creatures, and this is proven by the popularity of videos on the Twitter platform. Twitter itself says that a video tweet is 6 times most likely retweeted than posting tweets with GIFs or just photos.

Combine video tweets and TikTok’s global popularity, and you will sure to hit new heights in your Twitter exposure. TikTok is the fastest growing social media platform and everyone including your target market is all about TikTok videos these days.

If you represent your brand on Twitter and have not tweeted TikTok videos yet, you are putting yourself at a disadvantage.

In this very short article, you will learn how to tweet TikTok videos on your Twitter.

Tweet your TikTok videos or other current TikTok videos and reap the rewards that only TikTok’s popularity can bring you.

And when you’re finished, take a look at our other Twitter guides:

A step-by-Step Guide on How to Repost TikTok Videos on Your Twitter

Twitter tweets for TikTok content do very well on the Twitter platform, that is why if you have not been tweeting Twitter posts for TikTok content, it is about time that you do.

Posting tweets with TikTok videos is super easy and considering the benefits that your brand will reap, there is no reason not to tweet TikTok videos in 2022.

This will be your definitive guide to everything regarding reposting TikTok videos on Twitter.    

A. Directly sharing a TikTok video to your Twitter

Follow these steps for sharing from the TikTok app to Twitter:

1. Go to the TikTok app on your phone.

2. Pick a video to share.

3. Tap the share button on the bottom-right part of the TikTok video’s screen.

4. Choose Twitter as the option to share.

5. The link to the Twitter video will be shared on your Twitter.

6. Tap ‘Tweet’. You have now reposted a TikTok video on your Twitter account.

Note that when you share a video from the TikTok app to your Twitter, people who view the video will be led out of Twitter to view your video.

If you want your followers to be able to view the TikTok video on Twitter, proceed and follow the next set of steps.

B. How to share a TikTok video on Twitter without having your viewers leave Twitter

Follow these steps if you prefer that your viewers stay within Twitter when watching your TikTok video reposts. In this procedure, you will need to save your chosen TikTok video.

1. Go to the TikTok app on your mobile device.

2. Choose a TikTok video to directly share to Twitter.

3. Click the Share button on the lower-right part of the TikTok video’s screen.

4. Tap and choose the ‘save video’ option on the screen that follows.

5. TikTok will give you the option to share TikTok videos on multiple social media platforms. Choose Twitter.

6. Add a comment and your location if you want, and then tap ‘Tweet.’

TikTok X Twitter is a Trend Your Brand should Get Into

Let the popularity of TikTok cascade into your Twitter and see unprecedented Twitter growth and exposure. Now that you know all the steps in reposting TikTok videos to your Twitter, your brand is equipped with another tool to rule the internet.
