What Is a Good Social Media Engagement Rate?

What is a media engagement on Twitter? This term gets thrown around so often, but do you actually know what it means? Having hundreds and thousands of followers sounds like a dream, but the thing is that they don’t promise you a high engagement.

This term explains how often and how intense other users engage with your content. Sharing posts that attract attention in terms of views is not enough because you also want your followers to like, retweet, and comment. Is there a way to know how high your engagement rates should be on this platform? And why is engagement so important? Get the answers to all your questions after reading this article.

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What Is a Good Engagement Rate for Twitter?

Twitter Analytics uses two factors to calculate your rate: engagement metric and impressions metric. If you’re not quite sure what these two mean, here’s a more in-depth look. 

The phrase Twitter Engagements can be explained using a range of interactions that your audience had with your Tweets. Aside from the basics that everyone focuses on, this platform calculates other characteristics:  

  • The total number of comments and likes is definitely important. But, what also matters is how many Retweets you get and how many replies to your comments.
  • You’ll be surprised to see that the platform will count other user’s interactions with your links, cards, hashtags, embedded photos, GIFs, songs, and more.
  • If you thought that’s it, we’re here to let you know there’s more. If you show higher interaction numbers with your shared media, username, profile photo, or Tweet expansion, your rate can go up.

The more your Tweets appear in the timeline or search results for users, the higher this rate will go. This explains how high your organic impressions are.  

When you divide the number of engagements with impressions, you get your rate. But are impressions and engagement the only essential factors that you should focus on? There’s much more to this rate than just likes and comments. You should also dedicate time to post quality content. When people learn that your Twitter timeline is filled with great, catchy Tweets, they will more likely engage.

Compared to other platforms, Twitter has a lower engagement rate. Although there isn’t a secret number or a formula you should chase, you should be familiar with what’s considered good. If your rate is around 0.5% and up, then you’re definitely doing good. Anything above 1% is considered great. When small accounts gain more followers, they have to opt for higher numbers than the ones we listed. Small businesses are common, and you’ll have fierce competition; that’s why it’s essential to do better than most.

To check your engagement, you should open Twitter analytics Twitter Reports. Here you will see your Twitter organic impressions, shared links, if your Twitter cards drive traffic, Retweets, and much more. In addition, numerous other tools will help you boost engagement and give you more detailed information about your statistics.

3 Reasons You Should Focus on Your Twitter Engagement Rate

If you’re still unsure whether you should spend your free time promoting on Twitter, these three reasons will convince you to give the platform a chance. They will also help you understand why a high rate can be life-changing. 

  1. It’s a Massive Community

Based on the latest report, Twitter has over 330 million active monthly users. Reaching even the smallest percentage of those users can mean a lot for your brand. This is a massive social media platform, and you should definitely include it in your social media marketing plan. Achieving decent engagement on Twitter can completely change your life and raise your brand to fame.

  1. Close Connection with Your Customers

Twitter can help you connect with your customers and create a faithful community. This social network makes communication so easy, and that’s what every company needs. For example, if you’re tagged on another Tweet, you’ll know right away, and you can also respond quickly. Customers love when brands show them they care, so it’s more likely they’ll get your products and services again.

Your engagement can significantly rise if you like and respond to other people’s Tweets and comments. With that, you get the trust of customers and attract an even wider audience.

  1. Sharable Content

Everything you post on this platform is easily shareable. Users will not only Retweet it, making it visible to even more people, but they will also take screenshots and post it in Facebook groups, their timelines on other platforms and talk about it with friends.

Tips to Improving Social Media Engagement Rate on Twitter

Here are some basic tips that will help you improve your engagement:

  1. Engage with Other Users

Engaging with your followers and customers is always a smart idea. Even if you don’t use your Twitter account for marketing purposes, you should pay your followers attention and let them know you care. In other words, you should give back by also liking, following, and Retweeting their content. Always read the comments and Retweets to increase your interaction with others. Once you start doing this, you’ll see that people are noticing you more and more, and they’re engaging with what you post. Don’t hesitate to comment on other people’s posts and tag accounts as well.

The best thing about engaging is that it can make your comments, Tweets, and Retweets more visible and present them to a broader audience. You simply can’t lose by taking action!

  1. Choose the Right Time to Post

Knowing the right time to post can boost your engagement. To get a higher Tweet impression, you want your Tweets to be seen by more people.

One of the best ways to figure out an appropriate time is to go over your analytics. You can compare the impressions of previous Tweets with the time when they were posted. You can also research which days and times of day people are the most active. Then, use the information you’ll gather to post Tweets at different times and see which one is best for your audience.

  1. Use Visuals

Photos, GIFs, and all other visually pleasing content will more likely perform better on Twitter. Users love seeing eye-catching Tweets, and those are precisely the ones that get a higher engagement. Did you know that Tweets with pictures get Retweeted more often than the ones that only contain text?

Since this platform is mostly about sharing words, it’s really refreshing when users decide to post visuals. That is probably one of the reasons why other accounts love interacting with visual posts. Another reason why pictures and GIFs bring more attention is that images take over a massive part of their screen when people scroll on Twitter on their phones. That’s how you’ll get to your followers and trap all their attention.

The pictures you’ll post should be related to your business. For example, launching a product will be more successful if you post an image of it, compared to just announcing it with a few sentences. Pictured guides, quotes, infographics also perform well.


What is a media engagement on Twitter? This is a term that explains any kind of interaction that other Twitter users have with your Tweets. In other words, it includes much more than just likes, Retweets, and follows. It also takes into consideration the number of impressions, total number of interactions through cards, hashtags, embedded media, profile photo, or Tweet expansion. Other accounts can interact with yours in so many different ways, and the more they do, the higher your rate will be.

There are a few things you can do to increase your engagement. Start by researching the best posting time, and constantly engage with your audience through comments, Retweets, likes. Remember that content with visuals such as pictures and GIFs performs great and will very likely boost your rate.
