Best Crypto Twitter Accounts

The World of Cryptocurrency investment is a relatively new presence in the business and finance world. Despite crypto being in its early years, it has begun to prove to be a force to be reconned with.

As the cryptocurrency market further reaches its full potential as an investment, you will need all the help you can get for you to be able to play your cards right.

This short read reveals the best crypto Twitter accounts to follow to give you valuable insight to utilize in your cryptocurrency asset activities.

And when you’re finished, take a look at our other Twitter guides:

Why Are Cryptocurrency Twitter accounts Important?

The world of cryptocurrency is very young. The possibility of a cryptocurrency takeover or bust is anyone’s guess at this point.

If you want to dabble in crypto investment, you will need a wellspring of insight into everything crypto. Crypto Twitter accounts handled by crypto specialists contain expansive info that is beyond what you may know.

Following these accounts may just prove to be worth your time.

Here is a compilation of reasons why you have to follow cryptocurrency Twitter accounts:

  • Invaluable Insight – To get ahead in the Crypto investment game, you will have to be on top of things. Market insights, predictions, and forecasts by crypto experts give you that extra edge in making your investments grow.

If you are new to crypto, there will be a lot of wise tidbits that these Cryptocurrency Twitter accounts share. 

  • Keeps You in the Loop – Tending to digital assets is an endeavor that demands you to be in the know of everyday changes and trends in the crypto market.

Since Twitter is a platform that stands as a direct mouthpiece to relevant crypto personalities, following crypto-related accounts gets you fresh, first-hand info in every tweet.

  • Crypto Knowledge – If you feel that you could have more knowledge about digital currencies, blockchain technology, and anything crypto, you will pick up a lot of the basics if you follow these crypto experts on their Twitter accounts.

Best Crypto Twitter Accounts to Follow

If you are here to know who to follow on Twitter to be informed about anything crypto-related, then you are on the right path. Success will follow when you endeavor to expand your crypto mastery.

Here is a list of Twitter accounts that you can follow to gain the advantage of knowledge in the cryptocurrency race.

1. Michael Saylor @saylor

Billionaire and fiance celebrity Michael Saylor is an American entrepreneur who founded MicroStrategy, a company that specializes in business intelligence.

Saylor’s tweets about the philosophy, importance, and wisdom of Bitcoin.

2. PlanB @100trillionUSD

PlanB is a Twitter account dedicated to being a go-to for any information about Bitcoin. PlanB does not claim to tweet financial advice. Plan B rather claims to tweet for “information purposes” only.

Take everything PlanB with a grain of salt and be diligent with your own research about the latest movements in the world of Bitcoin.

3. Vitalik Buterin @VitalikButerin

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin is an important figure in the crypto world as a visionary for a new global economy through decentralized currency. 

IF you don’t mind translating a lot of Russian, Buterin’s insights are a more principle-based take on cryptocurrencies and decentralized economies. Learning the why’s and how crypto came to be is not a bad thing to learn.

4. Taylor Monahan @tayvano_

Crypto management service MyCrypto co-founder Taylor Monahan provides sincere, personal insight and experiences in her tweets.

Treat this account as a more lighthearted interpretation of the crypto world. Taylor Monahan sees also shares decisive insight about the world of crypto.

5. Sassal.eth @sassal0x

Sassal.eth appears to be a career crypto social media creator with income-generating Twitter, YouTube, and Podcasts. Follow this account if you also want to make money out of your crypto expertise. 

Make Sassal.eth’s account be a model of how a crypto social media creator should be like if that sounds attractive to you.

6. Hsaka @HsakaTrades

One of many anonymous crypto Twitter accounts, Hsaka exemplifies the expert crypto trader persona who is virtually a nobody in real life but is a force to be reconned with in the crypto/Web 3.0 realm. 

Hsaka tweets in a casual, humorous, and sometimes cryptic tone that is somewhat a small joy to follow. Solving what his cryptic tweets mean often uncover serious advice for crypto decisions.

7. Chris Burniske @cburniske

Author and co-founder of Placeholder, Chris Burniske’s personal Twitter account, is a relevant reference for anyone who wants to start investing in crypto assets. 

Chris Burniske’s experience as a co-founder of a crypto venture firm will give you awareness of what cryptocurrencies to seriously bet on.

8. Gavin Wood @gavofyork

Gavin Wood is a founder of multiple cryptocurrencies like Polkadot, Kusama, Ethereum. This Zurich native is also a major initiator in the decentralized internet Web 3.0.

If investing and trading Polkadot and Kusana is your thing, following Gavin Wood will probably give you insights that you will not find anywhere else.

9. Laura Shin @laurashin

Crypto journalist and author Laura Shin is on Twitter, and she mostly tweets about the stories and origins behind how crypto even came to be. 

If you want some narrative and history about the crypto world, try giving Laura Shin a follow. This different kind of insight will surely give a different perspective to your crypto investment and trading.

10. Preethi Kasireddy @iam_preethi

Kasireddy is an Indian-American financial engineer based out of Florida who has vast experience in finance. She earned her financial stripes at Goldman Sachs and is now a full-time entrepreneur and crypto celebrity.

11. Cred @CryptoCred

A crypto Twitter account handled with a lot of personality and humor, Cred describes themselves as a true trader, “sh*tposter” and educator in anything crypto. Lighten up your crypto life by following Cred.

Reading their tweets, Cred feels like a meme in Twitter form. Their hilarious take on direction and decisions should take off some of the pressure in the oh-so-serious craft of trading and investing in crypto. 

12. Kaleo @CryptoKaleo

This account is a private crypto investor’s journal in his cryptocurrency activity. Following Kaleo will have you privy to an honest perspective of the crypto market. 

Having something to compare your crypto notes with will be a very helpful tool in your crypto investment journey. Fine-tune your decisions through Kaleo’s insights for more astute investment choices.

13. DonAlt @CryptoDonAlt

This crypto Twitter account aims to teach its followers how to invest and trade cryptocurrency in a quirky and entertaining manner. 

Its handler has a lot of humor, which shows in every tweet. IF you like your crypto with a little bit of funny, then DonAlt could just be a good follow.

14. Income Sharks @IncomeSharks

This Twitter account dedicated to cryptocurrency from the basics to advanced crypto industry analysis and predictions has something for everyone. 

Whether you consider yourself a crypto noob or a seasoned player, you will appreciate the account’s analysis of how different cryptos perform through graphs. Just remember to advance your crypto education constantly to have a better grasp of what Income Sharks is tweeting about.

15. TraderXO @Trader_XO

Another interesting anonymous character f the crypto world, TraderXO has 240K followers to prove that his quirky insights into the crypto world are legitimate guidance.

Based on his tweets, you see that the wisdom he bears is from immense experience of first-hand managing, investing in cryptocurrencies.

16. Cryptobirb @crypto_birb

Cryptobirb is a certified technical Bitcoin analyst with close to 600k followers on the Twitter social media platform. This account gives a no-frills analysis of crypto market movements with other non-crypto stuff to keep you both informed and entertained. 

Crytobird is also the official Twitter account of The Nest; a private mentorship company that aims to tutor members in cryptocurrency acumen.

17. Sicarious @Sicarious

If you were to be good at the crypto game, you would have to be good at speculation. Sicarious is a confessed crypto speculator who makes bold predictions and smart analyses of crypto movement and trends. Sicarious tweets dank memes too if you like that.

In Conclusion

With how the world is these days, you will never know what catastrophe will strike next, and we think crypto will play a vital part in forming the world as we will know it in the coming years.

Be earnest about equipping yourself with the knowledge of everything crypto. Following Twitter accounts that concern themselves with cryptocurrencies is a good start. Continue to enrich yourself with crypto wisdom like it was your business.

Cryptocurrency is a cutting-edge industry that has a more meaningful mission of emancipating the people from centralized financial institutions that oppress the people at large.

Align your eagerness to invest and manage crypto with this and be part of a coming financial revolution that will usher in a new era of better financial well-being for everyone.

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