How to Change Privacy Settings on Twitter

The 211 million daily active users on Twitter go on the platform to check what is happening around the globe. People open their home feed to get in on the latest trends.

Twitter is a place where people can post and talk about any subject. The trending topics and hashtags on the site are the ones that are much discussed.

However, not all the topics are good. A lot of times, there are also what are considered controversial or sensitive Tweets.

But Twitter is not your mom. The company gives its users the freedom to post and discuss any topic under the sun, be it a sensitive subject or event.

It is simply governed by user settings. If you don’t know how to change privacy settings on Twitter yet, then read on to learn how. 

And when you’re finished, take a look at our other Twitter guides:

What Is Sensitive Content on Twitter?

The list of subject that is considered sensitive can be found on Twitter’s sensitive media policy. These are content that may promote the normalization of violence and illegal actions.

Posts that comprise hateful imagery, adult content, violent sexual acts, graphic violence, and/or gratuitous gore will be marked as containing sensitive content. 

Why Does Twitter Say “This Tweet Might Include Sensitive Content”?

Since Twitter does not want to encourage violence or adult content on their site, they are vigilant about posts that possibly promote these.

Posts that fall under sensitive media will be tagged. The Tweets will then be blocked with a sensitive content warning. This serves as a safety barrier for all Twitter users.

But as we’ve said, this is not a permanent restriction. It is just a protective shield for people who are not inclined to see sensitive media.

Tweets may be tagged as containing sensitive content either by the author or the Twitter review team.

Author initiated

If the account is constantly creating sensitive media, the owner may mark his Tweets as containing sensitive material.

This will safeguard that people who don’t want to see such content will not accidentally view the Tweet. This also guarantees that the creator’s account will not get suspended if reported by other users.

Reported content

If a Tweet was reported by users as containing sensitive media but was not properly tagged by the author, Twitter will put it under review. If the said post has been verified as containing sensitive topics, images, or videos, it will be labeled by Twitter as potentially sensitive.

How to Turn Off the “This Tweet Might Include Sensitive Content” Option on Twitter?

Even without strict censorship that scans every post, Twitter remains to be a safe place for people who do not like to be exposed to explicit content. This is done so easily by tweaking the user’s Twitter privacy settings.

If you want your Tweets to surely reach all of your targeted audience, you will need to learn how to change sensitive content on Twitter. You have to make sure that you have the correct settings on your account.

If by chance your content setting is configured to mark your posts as containing sensitive content, then a lot of users will not be able to see your Tweets.

To guarantee that all your posts are visible, follow these instructions on your computer:

  1. On a web browser, log in to your Twitter account.
  2. Click More on the left-hand side menu.
  3. Then under Settings, click Privacy and Safety.
  4. Choose Your Tweets on the right-hand menu.
  5. Make sure that the checkbox beside Mark media you Tweet as having material that may be sensitive is unchecked or empty.

On your Android or iOS phone, you may access these settings by doing these steps:

  1. Launch the Twitter app and log in to your account. (If you do not have the app yet, download and install it first. For Android users, download here. For iOS users, you may get it here. For Windows Phone users, download it here.)
  2. Tap your profile image on the upper left of the screen.
  3. From the menu below, tap Settings and Privacy.
  4. On the next menu, choose Privacy and Safety.
  5. Tap Your Tweets on the next page.
  6. Toggle the button beside Mark media you Tweet as containing material that may be sensitive.
  • Toggle On means that your posts will have a sensitive media warning message “This Tweet might include sensitive content”.
  • Toggle Off means your posts do not have sensitive content and are safe for everyone to see.

If your brand requires that you create Tweets that have potentially sensitive stuff, but you don’t want to get your content muted, you may just mark your posts as containing sensitive media. This way, your account is safe from being reported and suspended. 

How to View Sensitive Content on Twitter?

If you are an open-minded individual who is not squeamish about what most would consider as offensive or sensitive content, you may want to forgo the explicit warning messages on these Tweets.

You may easily unlock those Tweets by changing your privacy settings. You may do it using a smartphone or a computer.

Start Seeing Sensitive Content Using Your Mobile Phone

  1. Tap open the Twitter app and log in to your account.
  2. Tap your profile icon at the corner to show the menu options.
  3. Then choose Settings and Privacy.
  4. On the next page, tap Privacy and Safety.
  5. Under Your Twitter activity, tap the Content you see.
  6. Toggle the switch to Display media that may contain sensitive content.
  • It is On when the switch is blue or the color of your theme. You will then be able to see posts that have been marked as containing sensitive content.
  • It is turned Off when the switch is gray and you won’t see any potentially sensitive media.

Start Seeing Sensitive Content Using Your Computer

  1. Open a web browser and log in to Twitter.
  2. On the left menu, click More.
  3. Then choose Settings and Privacy.
  4. Click on Privacy and Safety under Settings.
  5. On the menu to the right, select Content you see.
  6. Then check the box beside Display media that may contain sensitive content. 

Alternately, you may come across a Tweet that has been blocked with the message “The following media includes potentially sensitive content.” You may choose to see just this particular post by clicking the View button beside the warning message.

If you want to see all sensitive content from then on, you may do so by clicking the Change settings link right under the sensitive media notice. This link will automatically redirect you to your privacy and safety settings.

Simply check the box beside Display media that may contain sensitive content. You will now immediately see the contents of Tweets that have been marked as sensitive.

In conclusion

To refrain from getting your content muted or your account suspended, make sure that you only post media that are not considered sensitive according to Twitter’s media policy.

If you are not sure whether your post might trigger some people, just tag it as sensitive to be on the safe side.

Maddie Schultz
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